[libreoffice-conference] New talk from Cor: LibreLex
Sophie Gautier
2015-09-24 11:42:58 UTC
Hi all,

Cor will present LibreLex: flexible, highly configurable document creation
extension for LibreOffice with advanced functionality.
It will be at 10:00 tomorrow in room M2.

Sophie Gautier <***@documentfoundation.org>
IRC: sophi
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Cor Nouws
2015-09-24 17:05:48 UTC
Post by Sophie Gautier
Cor will present LibreLex: flexible, highly configurable document creation
extension for LibreOffice with advanced functionality.
It will be at 10:00 tomorrow in room M2.
Thanks for adding this to the program, Sophie.

To add: I was giving a demo this afternoon to some people and they
insisted that I should give talk for more people ... ok ;)

LibreLex is used to make customers in The Netherlands happy and we wnat
to use the potential on other countries too.

Cor Nouws
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